Sunday, July 28, 2013

Use Your Emotions As a Road Map

Understand that everything is an emotional journey so be sensitive to your negative emotions and pump them for all the information they are worth. Release any notion that feeling bad is anything more than a fact finding mission, not a judgement. Finding out how you are thinking about a situation is exposed in your emotional state. Take notes. I'm feeling bad because...

Chances are your thoughts are keeping you stuck in a repetitive rut. Change up your thoughts in a focused effort and watch your emotions follow.

Or try conjuring up an emotion by remembering a circumstance that made you feel a certain way.

Then watch as your thoughts fall in line to support that emotion even more.

If you can’t flip it, it it flipping you.

Time to take back control and decide how you are going to feel.

Search Everyday Attraction with Rae Zander

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